A Marketing Portal That Makes You Look Like a Bad A**

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You're ready to level up the way you organize digital marketing campaigns.

Well you have have to the right place.

I pieced together this Notion database that covers:

  1. How to Create a Custom Portal That Your Clients/Stakeholders Actually Use & Love
  2. How to develop a Databox Looped Dashboard and Embed on Your Database
  3. How to Record Calls & Place Share Them With Your team
  4. How to Conduct Internal Research to Build More Compelling TOF & MOF Google Ads Campaigns
  5. How to Track All Major Initiatives, Updates, and AB tests in a visualized format to help tell a story
  6. How to Visualize a Campaign Strategy That Includes Keywords Broken Down By Tag That can be reviewed
  7. How to Project 6 Months in Advance For your Google Ads/ Digital Marketing Campaigns Performance
  8. How to Record the Actual Performance Month Over Month In a Clear & Concise Format

You get all of this when you use this customizable portal.

Click below to get started configuring yours & leveling up your presence in your org.

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You'll get a completely, customizable Notion database that you can use inside your org to look like a marketing bada**

Notion Database
Databox Dashboard Creation
Record Calls & Collect Insights
Question to Conduct Internal Research
AB Testing Optimization Ledger To Tell A Story
Campaign & Keyword Visualizations To Get Feedback Fast
Killer Projections That Your Stakeholders Will Love & Trust
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A Marketing Portal That Makes You Look Like a Bad A**

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